Retinal Imaging involves taking images of the retinal blood vessels located inside the eye, providing your doctor with detailed information about the state of your retina. Retinal imaging technology is used to assess the health of the retina and determine any changes that may indicate the presence of a retinal condition. […]

How Long Between Cataract Surgery on Each Eye?
Imagine waking up one morning to a world clouded over, where even the simplest tasks become daunting. Millions of individuals affected by cataracts experience this scenario as an unfortunate reality. Thankfully, cataract surgery is an option to help clear up vision. Cataract surgery is a procedure that has helped millions of people by restoring clarity […]

How to Clean Your Glasses the Right Way
If you’re one of the many Canadians who rely on glasses to see, you probably already know the struggle of dirty lenses. A smudge or fingerprint can quickly get in the way of crystal-clear vision. While you may be tempted to clean your glasses with the nearest tissue or t-shirt, doing so can cause scratches, […]

5 Home Remedies for Dry Eye
5 home remedies we recommend for dry eye syndrome include:
Wearing adequate eye protection
Eating a diet full of omega-3s and other helpful vitamins
Drinking more water and less alcohol
Using eye drops
Taking frequent breaks from staring at screens and books
Visit Visionary Eye Centre in Sherwood Park if you’re experiencing dry eyes. […]

How To See Better When Driving at Night
If you’re struggling to see while driving at night, Visionary Eye Centre in Sherwood Park can help. An eye exam with your eye doctor can assess the reason for your night vision problems and recommend solutions. […]

What Are Polarized Sunglasses?
Whether you work outside or just love to play in the sunshine, sunglasses are an important part of caring for your eyes and vision. There isn’t a one-size answer for what type of lenses you should have in your sunglasses, but polarized lenses are often a good choice. Polarized lenses go through a chemical process […]

Can I Sleep with Contact Lenses?
A properly fitted pair of contact lenses should feel invisible on your eyes. It’s nice to forget you’re wearing your contacts and embrace clear vision, but you should make sure you don’t accidentally fall asleep while wearing them. You shouldn’t sleep with regular contact lenses, not only because you may wake up with irritated eyes, […]

Are Blue Eyes More Sensitive to Sunlight?
You might feel fine on a sunny day wearing sunglasses, but when you take them off—bright, blinding light. You may wonder if everyone’s vision is as affected as yours in the sun. Your eye colour does, in fact, have an impact on light sensitivity. Blue eyes are more sensitive to sunlight. However, you should always […]

What to Expect During a Kids Eye Exam?
Your child’s vision is an important part of how they learn, play, grow, and develop. Regular eye exams allow the optometrist to monitor and detect visual issues before they become a larger problem. During a kid’s eye exam, you can expect the use of tools such as a phoropter or autorefractor and vision tests like […]

How Should Glasses Really Fit?
Glasses are an essential part of many people’s daily lives, but not everyone knows how they should really fit. In this blog, we’ll be discussing the importance of properly fitting glasses and how you can make sure your glasses fit properly. First, let’s talk about why proper fit is important. Glasses are designed to correct […]